CosClay Elements Translucent 226gm

£11.94 (incl. VAT)

CosClay Translucent provides outstanding clarity, permitting light to pass through it at varying thicknesses. When thinly rolled, it unveils colours, words, and other artistic elements beneath it. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates with alcohol inks, facilitating the crafting of a broad spectrum of translucent shades.

Brands:: CosClay

CosClay Translucent

CosClay Translucent provides outstanding clarity, permitting light to pass through it at varying thicknesses. When thinly rolled, it unveils colours, words, and other artistic elements beneath it. Additionally, it seamlessly integrates with alcohol inks, facilitating the crafting of a broad spectrum of translucent shades.

  • Oven bake
  • Easy to use
  • Strong after curing
  • Flexibility even after baking
  • Oven stability without sagging
  • Minimal colour alteration
Flexible Clay

This variation maintains remarkable flexibility after baking and exhibits a malleable consistency straight from the packaging—neither excessively soft nor overly firm. Similar to all other CosClay options, our Translucent variant features impressive initial strength, easy blending, and the capacity to retain its shape during the baking process.

how to use

Sculpt and model CosClay Transulcent into whatever your heart desires. Mix and blend colours together to create your ideal shade. Once you’re happy with your model, simply place it in the oven at 135°C (275°F) for 30 minutes. 

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